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terroir series

terroir (noun): 

ter·roir  /terˈwär/


French for "soil" or "earth," it is the complete natural environment in which a thing is created, including factors such as soil, topography, and climate.

On a recent trip to Alaska, I collected stones from waterways as I traveled. Back home, I took them to my lapidary workshop. I carefully cut and polished the rough into cabochons, later to be set into silver as pendants. Suddenly these simple rocks gained meaning, value, and a new life: pinpoints of a moment in time, an experience, and especially, a place.

The necklaces listed below have all been created from rocks I've personally harvested and turned in my lapidary workshop. Unless listed broadly, they've come from within five miles of the location notated.

available work

Let’s Create Together

Is there land that holds significance for you, your family, or a group of neighbors? Would you like stones from your location to be turned into jewelry?

Get in touch with me to chat about the details of sending rocks from your location to be turned into jewelry. Alternatively, with travel expenses as required, I will travel to your location and hand-harvest stones to create jewelry that celebrates the terroir of your home. (Commitment: 6 pieces.)

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